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NGO Statement of Support: International Food Assistance Programs in the Final 2018 Farm Bill

The Farm Bill advances key reforms to the Food for Peace program that our community supports.

December 12, 2018
Blog Post

The Next Step in Combatting Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Exploitation

“Our member organizations have already shown a strong commitment to addressing these issues," said Carolyn Aeby.

December 12, 2018
Blog Post

InterAction Standards

Self-applied, high and objective standards that set our members apart from other charitable organizations.

December 13, 2018
InterAction Quoted

Responding to Ebola in Congo is hard work, but made that much harder by violence

Nancy Aossey of International Medical Corps speaks with Nick Schifrin about prevention, treatment options and why the health crisis is likely to get worse before it gets better.

December 17, 2018
Blog Post

Why Multilateral Institutions Still Matter

"The UN and other multilaterals help increase the effectiveness of NGOs and other global development actors."

December 17, 2018
Blog Post

InterAction Statement On U.S. Vote Against UN Resolution For Global Compact On Refugees

We fully support the compact and urge all countries, including the United States, to support its implementation.

December 18, 2018
Blog Post

U.S. Must Support Implementation of Global Compact on Refugees

The Declaration committed states to “a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world’s refugees.”

December 18, 2018

Mourning the Loss of NCBA CLUSA Staff Killed in Tragic Accident

InterAction would like to express its deepest sympathies to all staff and families of NCBA CLUSA affected by this devastating loss.

December 19, 2018

Government Shutdown Could Threaten U.S. Investments in Life-Saving Programs

"Shutdowns affect more than the egos of a few politicians."

December 21, 2018
Workers crush rubble with machines on a beach in Haiti
InterAction Quoted

As the US government shuts down, here’s what you need to know

These shutdowns reduce the quality and effectiveness of aid programs because it results in “the kind of uncertainty, volatility that is detrimental to good planning,” said Noam Unger, InterAction vice president of development policy, advocacy, and learning.

December 22, 2018
Obama in front of congress
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