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In the News

UN rights expert calls for civilian protection as fighting escalates between military and armed groups

Calling on the Myanmar Government to “immediately reverse its decision not to allow access to all humanitarian organizations”, the United Nations expert on human rights in the South-East Asian country said on Friday, that “it’s vital that assistance is able to reach those who have fled violence in the region”.

January 18, 2019
In the News

Mounting Evidence of Fraud in Congo Vote Prompts rare rebuke from African Union

In an unprecedented move, the African Union called on Congo’s government to suspend proclamation of the final results of the country’s Dec. 30 election, stating that it had “serious doubts” about their veracity.

January 18, 2019
Blog Post

Solutions Over Pessimism: A Key to Global Progress in 2019

"We can prevent crises before they start, and we can help to protect people when they are endangered." Sam Worthington.

January 21, 2019
In the News

South Sudan: The Whole Country is Traumatized

Decades of war left almost half the population with post-traumatic stress symptoms and little mental health care.

January 21, 2019
In the News

Security Forces in Zimbabwe kill 12 people in broadest crackdown on unrest in years

Government implemented price-hikes on fuel cause mass protests in the Zimbabwe. Security Forces begin their biggest crackdown against public unrest.

January 21, 2019
InterAction Quoted

‘I do not want to die’: Central American exodus grows

Thousands of Hondurans wait on Mexico's border, hoping to find respite from poverty and political violence.

January 21, 2019
In the News

No One Can Guarantee Our Safety: Syrians Stuck in Squalid Exile

Despite appalling conditions in Lebanese camps, most refugees say it is unsafe to go home.

January 22, 2019
In the News

Q&A: Why peace talks on CAR really matter

As a new round of peace talks between armed groups and the government of Central African Republic is scheduled to begin this week, the UN’s top humanitarian official in CAR warns that continued violence could push the country closer to famine.

January 22, 2019
In the News

Killings of Guatemala’s Indigenous Activists Raise Specter of Human Rights Crises

For three days last week, thousands of Guatemalans blocked roads and major highways to protest the Central American country's slide toward a constitutional crisis. The protest organizers included groups that have long demanded justice: indigenous communities and campesinos, as rural and farm workers are called.

January 22, 2019
In the News

Migrants and Refugees Do Not Bring “Exotic” Communicable Diseases to Countries

The World Health Organization has taken aim at the myth that migrants and refugees bring diseases to the countries they arrive in, with its first report on migrant and refugee health in the European region. In the report, the WHO dispels the falsehood that irregular migrants and refugees spread sickness among host communities.

January 22, 2019
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