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Blog Post

Exploring Feminist Leadership in the NGO Sector

Eleven months ago, I started thinking about what I could do as an InterAction Fellow to push the conversation on…

September 5, 2019
Blog Post

Exploring Vietnam’s COVID-19 Success

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a global reckoning: From shortages of PPE to intermittent lockdowns, nations are wrestling with the…

December 2, 2020
Blog Post

Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas

The use of explosive weapons in populated areas (EWIPA) has caused significant harm to civilian populations. Beyond individual deaths and injuries, explosive weapons cause indirect…

April 14, 2021

FHI 360 Safeguarding Tools

These documents were developed by FHI 360 to adapt globally approved PSEA guidelines, tools, and promising strategies applied in humanitarian/emergency settings to prevent and respond to SEA when implementing programming in traditional development and humanitarian-development nexus contexts. The available resources are as follows: 1. FHI 360 Framework and Minimum Standards for Safeguarding Program Participants. 2. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Five Required Tools 3. FHI 360 Toolkit - How to implement FHI 360s minimum standards for safeguarding program participants. 4. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Project Checklist 5. FHI 360 Safeguarding - How to Note, standalone 6. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Awareness Raising Activities 7. FHI 360 Safeguarding - Training - Workshop - Info Session

August 22, 2022
Blog Post

Faith and Child Safeguarding

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation is a priority for all humanitarian and development organizations. It is…

December 22, 2021

Famine Risk & Prevention

October 1, 2021
Blog Post

Fear of Deportation Exacts Toll on Children’s Mental Health

The mental health of young people is a growing concern for U.S. society as a whole, but But for undocumented youths or young citizens with undocumented relatives, the emotional or mental issues they grapple with are a multifaceted ordeal.

May 21, 2018
Blog Post

February in Review: A New InterAction.Org, Oral History Initiative, CEO Survey

The latest news and updates from the InterAction team.

March 6, 2019
screenshot of interaction homepage: woman holding male child as he reaches for a tree branch. Text overlay on the photo that reads Choose to Invest
Blog Post

Fighting poverty with data

Opportunities to accelerate the fight against poverty apply not only to agriculture, but also in health, citizen agency and many other key areas for the poor.

December 4, 2018
Blog Post

Five Key Takeaways from InterAction’s Disinformation Toolkit 2.0

Journalist and Nobel Prize laureate Maria Ressa captured the essential nature of the threat that the rising tide of mis-…

December 21, 2021
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