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Blog Post

Humanitarian Action Conundrums: Neutrality

In the current moment, when it seems that everything, including tasks as simple as washing your hands or wearing a…

December 8, 2020
Blog Post

Humanitarian Aid: Captive to Bureaucracy

August 19 marks the day in 2003 when a bomb ripped through U.N. Headquarters in Baghdad, killing 22 women and…

August 19, 2021
InterAction Quoted

Humanitarian Work Is Being Blocked By Bureaucracy

There is a growing trend around the world towards the use of bureaucratic rules and regulations to contain and control humanitarian access, limiting the ability to save lives.

March 23, 2017
A group of people pass construction materials to each other as a new house is being built
Blog Post

Hunger in Yemen: A “Slow Motion Collapse”

The current level of hunger in Yemen is unprecedented, with almost 18 million people lacking enough food.

October 15, 2018

IA History TEST

October 29, 2020
Blog Post

INGOs, the Supreme Court, and the Anti-Terrorism Act: A Factsheet

As Twitter heads to the U.S. Supreme Court this term, international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) that work in proximity to terrorist…

January 13, 2023
Blog Post

If It Bleeds, It Leads

When did you first hear about the humanitarian crisis in the Cabo Delgado state of Mozambique? For most of the…

August 5, 2021
Blog Post

Implementing the Locally-Led Agenda Will Require Paradigmatic Changes

Centering local leadership and ownership of foreign assistance and programming is vital to more effective international development and peacebuilding. The…

August 23, 2022
Blog Post

Impossible Tradeoffs: Responding to COVID-19, Adapting to Climate Change, or Repaying Debts?

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacted a devastating toll on developed and developing economies, and the economic shock of the pandemic…

April 7, 2022

Improving International Food Assistance

April 1, 2019
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