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The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

January 30, 2023
Blog Post

The Role of Gender in Afghanistan’s Humanitarian Response

Nearly three years after the change in power in Afghanistan, women and girls are being left behind as little to…

August 16, 2024
Blog Post

The Statelessness Challenge

In a world where borders define identities and citizenship is a cornerstone to belonging, the plight of stateless persons presents…

August 1, 2024
Blog Post

The Top 9 Causes of Global Poverty

11% of the world’s population is living in extreme poverty, which is defined as surviving on only $1.90 a day.

October 17, 2018
Blog Post

The U.N. Water Conference and a Collective Call to Action

Two billion people lack safely managed drinking water, 3.6 billion people—nearly half the world’s population—lack safely managed sanitation, and 2.3…

March 21, 2023
Blog Post

The Urgency of Green Recovery from COVID-19

The COVID-19 origin story is still unfolding. From bats to potentially a pangolin, to humans in wildlife markets in…

June 5, 2020
Blog Post

The Venezuela displacement crisis

“We can’t eat there. We can’t eat here. I don’t know what to do anymore.” As of November 2019,…

December 19, 2019
Blog Post

The top 6 low-tech innovations that we love

Sometimes low-tech fixes to development problems can provide brilliant solutions.

September 9, 2018
Blog Post

Three Things You Need to Know about the Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

“Afghans are resilient, not by choice but by need. We know how to celebrate life despite the constant violence we…

October 3, 2019
Blog Post

Top Blog Posts: Best of 2018

To kick off 2019, we’re looking back at some of our most-read blog posts published in 2018. Shared from InterAction…

January 1, 2019
Woman smiles for the camera, as she holds a basket full of mushrooms in front of her, and a young child on her back. She stands in front of a brick wall.
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