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Blog Post

Condemning Hatred

The lesson is simple, in this country, a diverse America that we all call home, we can never accept hatred towards anyone for their race, religion, sexual identity, or other parts of their identity.

September 12, 2017
InterAction Quoted

Agents of change: Children in Lesotho bring improved sanitation from classrooms to communities

From saving young lives to boosting girls’ attendance in schools – safe water and sanitation can have immense health and societal benefits.

September 27, 2017
Young girl standing over a well, cups water in her hand and it slowly drips out
Blog Post

Leveraging Technology to Empower Vulnerable Populations

Innovation can benefit everyone, but we must do better than a trickle-down approach.

November 21, 2017

InterAction applauds Congressional Action to Minimize Civilian Harm in 2018 Defense Bill

InterAction welcomes the positive developments to minimize civilian harm in conflict in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and…

December 12, 2017
Blog Post

InterAction CEO Pledge on Preventing Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Harassment by and of NGO Staff

Our commitment to practices and policies that will not only protect our own staff, but also the communities we serve.

December 19, 2017
InterAction Quoted

What Does The Repeal Of Net Neutrality Mean For Development?

Reid Porter, former director of transparency and open data at InterAction, spoke with Devex about the implications for the NGO community following the repeal of net neutrality.

December 22, 2017
Blog Post

The Art of Empowerment and Transformation From Within

We visited places in northern rural Ghana where Episcopal Relief & Development is working through and with local faith partners.

January 1, 2018
In the News

Stopgap Spending Hampers U.S., UN Humanitarian Efforts

January 8, 2018
In the News

US aid cuts become less than feared

January 8, 2018
Blog Post

InterAction Welcomes Five New Members

These organizations embody the shared principles amongst the membership and are welcomed additions to the InterAction community.

January 14, 2018
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