National Level Coordination of PSEA Activities
Oxfam Ten-Point Action Plan
This document from Oxfam outlines their ten point plan to address safeguarding issues within the organization. This document will be useful for organizations that are looking for tangible examples of actions to take to address safeguarding issues within their organizations.
PSEA in the Employee Lifecycle: Action Against Hunger
These tools from Action Against Hunger help organizations mainstream PSEA during the employee lifecycle. They include: Webpage Commitment Talent Acquisition Onboarding Performance Management Motivation and Retention Separation HR & Organization PSEA Guide
Safeguarding in Faith-Based Organizations: Benefits, Challenges, and Shared Learning
In faith-based organizations (FBOs), these organizational values are often influenced by faith principles. This case study examines and highlights how organizational values within FBOs influence their safeguarding activities and approach. Five InterAction Member organizations participated in this case study: World Vision United States, Islamic Relief USA, Habitat for Humanity International, Food for the Hungry, and Episcopal Relief and Development. Each organization has a unique affiliation with its respective faith and uses this affiliation in creative ways when approaching safeguarding programming.
Staff Perception Survey
In late 2019, InterAction hired Keystone Accountability, an organization specialized in feedback systems, to develop a questionnaire and accompanying guidance notes. This includes: (1) A full questionnaire of the staff perception survey on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in their organizations. (2) A facilitation guide for follow-up dialogues with staff. (3) A set of scenario-based questions for HR recruitment interviews The present document includes guidance for organizations using the staff perception questionnaire. It explains the rationale behind the choices made in the questionnaire and provides concrete guidance for survey administration, analysis, and follow-up. (4) A guidance note for international NGOs.
UN: SEA Risk Managment Toolkit
This document from the UN is a planning and risk management toolkit. This toolkit can help organizations identify and record risks, develop a workplan and describe how the organization will prevent and mitigate these risks. These tools are primarily aimed for those working in UN field Missions, but may be useful for other organizations as well.