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Blog Post

Zero Tolerance for Doing Nothing

With this three-year project, InterAction will work with its members towards the goal of preventing sexual harassment and abuse of and by NGO staff.

March 13, 2019

Write For Us

As a community hub, InterAction welcomes submissions from guest bloggers, including member organization staff and partners within the sector. Please…

March 14, 2019
InterAction Quoted

#MyFreedomDay 2019: Students teach the world about modern slavery

From Nigeria to Japan, students are raising awareness about the harsh realities of modern day slavery.

March 14, 2019
3 women work in a hay field, pushing the grains back and forth with pushbrooms
In the News

Mozambique storm; North Korea aid; and conflict spikes in South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen: The Cheat Sheet

IRIN editors' weekly take on humanitarian news, trends, and developments from around the globe.

March 15, 2019
In the News

In South Sudan, differing aid mandates lead to ethical standoff

Gender-based violence organizations in South Sudan worry that this desire for the story often comes at the expense of the survivor.

March 18, 2019
InterAction Quoted

Horn of Africa: Millions suffering due to prolonged drought

Millions of people in the Horn of Africa are suffering from a prolonged drought that is coinciding with the United States's proposal to slash funding for lifesaving food aid.

March 18, 2019


March 18, 2019
In the News

US can halt new wave of humanitarian suffering in Syria

President Trump has made clear his desire to move on from Syria. But this would be a mistake. Disengagement now would condemn Syrians to a new round of suffering.

March 19, 2019

Annual Report

2017 2019 2020…

March 20, 2019

Annual Report 2017

March 20, 2019
A young boy read from a smart phone on the edge of a rock in a marsh.
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