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Blog Post

NGO Leaders on Keeping Up with Change and Shoring Up Business Models

In January 2021, InterAction conducted its fourth-annual survey to assess and reflect back perceptions of the changing global development and…

May 12, 2021
Blog Post

NGO Recommendations For The U.S. Global Food Security Strategy Refresh

As world hunger rises for the seventh straight year, the need for sufficient, affordable, and widely accessible nutritious foods…

June 23, 2021
Blog Post

NGO Recommendations for the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement

In July 2018, the Government of Norway, alongside thirty-six member states, initiated a call for the U.N. Secretary General to…

February 25, 2020
Blog Post

NGO Recommendations for the U.S. Government’s Global Water Strategy 2017-2022

Access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) has been a cornerstone of U.S. development and diplomacy policy since the…

November 12, 2021

NGO Statement of Support: International Food Assistance Programs in the Final 2018 Farm Bill

The Farm Bill advances key reforms to the Food for Peace program that our community supports.

December 12, 2018
Blog Post

NGO Statement of Support: Strengthening US Food Assistance Programs

"Ending hunger in our lifetimes is possible, but many challenges to this goal remain"

March 30, 2018
Blog Post

NGOs Respond to COVID-19: InterAction Member Snapshot

Every day, InterAction Members are working all over the world to combat poverty and alleviate suffering. As a platform…

March 8, 2021
Blog Post

NGOs Sign Statement in Support of Congressional Resolution to Waive Cargo Preference Requirements on Food Aid until 2025

Current cargo preference requirements make it more expensive for U.S. humanitarian food assistance programs to support vulnerable communities around the…

June 2, 2022
Blog Post

NGOs and Risk How International Humanitarian Actors Manage Uncertainty

For humanitarian organizations, the presence of risk in the operating environment can force difficult trade-offs between the needs of people…

February 8, 2016
Blog Post

NGOs, Humanitarian Action, and Risk Management

Today, humanitarian crises are characterized by increasing risk and uncertainty. Whether in Afghanistan or Yemen, responding to humanitarian needs means…

June 30, 2022
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