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Blog Post

Top Blog Posts: Best of 2017

To kick off 2018, we’re looking back at some of our most-read blog posts published in 2017.

January 16, 2018
Blog Post

A Vision of 2018

"Last year, we stood united against unprecedented assaults on NGOs and thankfully, some of our worst fears and concerns did not come to fruition."

January 18, 2018
Blog Post

When “Strong Evidence” is Not Sufficient

International development programs and interventions are increasingly being characterized as: embedded in open complex systems.

January 23, 2018
Blog Post

Thai Unions Coordinate, Collaborate for Success

Despite his success, Prasopsuk says it is “very difficult” to get workers to form unions in Thailand.

January 24, 2018
Blog Post

An eco stove – the gift that keeps on giving in Sierra Leone

“Every day I would spend hours in the forest, cutting wood, and making coal to sell in Masimbi. I don’t have to do that now,”

January 24, 2018

InterAction Statement on Attack at Save the Children in Jalalabad, Afghanistan

InterAction strongly condemns the recent attack on the Save the Children office in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Every day our colleagues around the world risk their lives to help communities have an equal chance to prosper.

January 24, 2018
Blog Post

A journey to hope in Ethiopia

South Sudan has been gripped by conflict for the last six years, causing millions to flee to neighboring Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

January 25, 2018

InterAction Joins Letter Calling for Restored Funding for UNRWA

The letter was sent to United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

January 25, 2018
Blog Post

Niger: The 5 things you need to know

While Niger itself is at peace, conflict and epidemics in neighboring countries have spilled over into its borders.

January 29, 2018
Press Release

InterAction Statement on the State of the Union Address

From famine relief to girls’ education, we hope the U.S. government continues to live up to America's values and not restrict aid for political or partisan reasons.

January 31, 2018
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