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Blog Post

Why Civil Society Organizations Need Healthy Conflict Skills

Part one of a five-part series on CSO organizational development.

June 27, 2019
Blog Post

The Top 9 Causes of Global Poverty

11% of the world’s population is living in extreme poverty, which is defined as surviving on only $1.90 a day.

October 17, 2018
Blog Post

A Hidden Reality: Data & Reporting on Sexual Violence Against Men & Boys

This is Part II of “A Hidden Reality,” examining men, boys, and conflict-related sexual violence. Read Part…

June 27, 2023
Blog Post

NGO Community Response to USAID’s Draft Resilience Policy Revision

USAID’s draft 2022 Resilience Policy Revision makes significant progress toward resilience becoming a multisectoral priority. However, some adjustments and additions…

April 6, 2023
Blog Post

COVID-19 Global Aftershocks

COVID-19 has now been reported in nearly every country around the globe, including many developing countries with limited capacity to…

June 1, 2020
Blog Post

An Invisible Threat

Chemical weapons (C.W.) invoke a unique, inherent fear in people in a way most conventional weapons do not, making…

November 30, 2019

InterAction Members Respond to the Crisis on the Turkish-Syrian Border

On October 9, only three days after the White House released a statement declaring that the United States forces in…

October 11, 2019
Blog Post

Three Things You Need to Know about the Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan

“Afghans are resilient, not by choice but by need. We know how to celebrate life despite the constant violence we…

October 3, 2019
InterAction Quoted

They aim to help people in distress, but each year scores of aid workers are killed on the job worldwide

“[S]ometimes we’re less present in places where we should be, just because we can’t guarantee sufficient security,” Schopp said.

March 12, 2018
In the News

They aim to help people in distress, but each year scores of aid workers are killed on the job worldwide

March 12, 2018
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