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When War Moves to Cities: Protection of Civilians in Urban Areas

February 15, 2019

Yemen Civil War (2015-present)

February 7, 2019
People stand in the midst of rubble following an airstrike in yemen
Blog Post

Mindful Spending: Incorporating Psychological Health Into Foreign Aid

It is a well-known fact that war has disparate psychological effects on all those involved—from refugees to soldiers to the…

October 14, 2022
Members of CRS-supported SILC groups (Savings and Internal Lending Communities) dance together during a meeting in Awaradoni village, Upper East Region, Ghana. These women have begun making and selling shea nut butter, straw baskets, and parboiled rice ever since interrupted weather patterns related to climate change have inhibited their abilities to earn livelihoods through farming. Awaradoni village, Talensi District, Upper East Region, Ghana, West Africa. March 19, 2016 - Photo by Jake Lyell for CRS.
Blog Post

Prioritize the Mental Health of Refugees

The number of people forced from their homes due to persecution, conflict, and violence has now reached an…

April 17, 2023
Blog Post

Restoring Hope: Community Centers in Afghanistan

Community centers in Afghanistan are offering a beacon of hope to thousands of Afghans who are trapped in harmful cycles…

August 16, 2024
Blog Post

“We Didn’t Realize the Harm We Were Doing”

January 24 marks the International Day of Education, which celebrates the integral role that education plays in peace and…

January 24, 2021
Blog Post

#GenerationEquality: InterAction Celebrates International Women’s Day

Sunday, March 8, 2020, is International Women’s Day, and the theme this year is “I am Generation Equality: Realizing…

March 6, 2020
InterAction Quoted

#MyFreedomDay 2019: Students teach the world about modern slavery

From Nigeria to Japan, students are raising awareness about the harsh realities of modern day slavery.

March 14, 2019
3 women work in a hay field, pushing the grains back and forth with pushbrooms
Blog Post

10 Ways to Fight Climate Change At Home

Ten things you can do at home to make a difference on climate change.

September 24, 2018
A farmer applying seed of Arabica coffee in Gayo highland, Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. Arabica coffee from Aceh is the best coffee in the world.

2021 G20 Summit Recommendations

April 28, 2021
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