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Blog Post

New InterAction Research Confirms Global Counter-Terror Efforts Harm and Curtail the Delivery of Humanitarian Aid

In the aftermath of 9/11, efforts to combat and counter-terrorist activities (C.T.) have been a foreign policy priority for governments,…

April 6, 2021
Blog Post

New OFAC Licenses Facilitate Humanitarian Transfers: Op-Ed by InterAction’s Andrea Hall

What began as a series of puzzling anecdotes about the inexplicable and abrupt closure of nongovernmental organizations’ (NGOs’) bank accounts…

June 20, 2023
Photo of children walking to retrieve water.
Blog Post

NextGen Norms for INGOs

What new norms does the international non-governmental organization (INGO) sector need to embrace in the next 5-10 years if it…

October 18, 2019
Blog Post

Niger: Four faces of hope

Despite all its problems, not all news from Niger is bad news.

February 3, 2018
Blog Post

Niger: The 5 things you need to know

While Niger itself is at peace, conflict and epidemics in neighboring countries have spilled over into its borders.

January 29, 2018
Blog Post

Nine Tips for Leading Critical Change

There are signature patterns that can undermine vital internal change efforts. Conner Advisory, a firm that advises organizations on…

November 17, 2020
Blog Post

No Time to Waste

As the Biden-Harris Administration renews America’s standing in the world and tackles global challenges, an opportunity exists not just to…

November 16, 2020
Blog Post

Nonprofit Leaders: Bold Climate Change Commitment Can Save Lives

As the world braces for what is expected to be one of the worst hurricane seasons on record, we…

April 22, 2020
Sumon Yusuf


February 19, 2019
Blog Post

On Eighth Anniversary of Yemen Conflict, Tens of Millions Need Assistance

Over 21 million people in Yemen need humanitarian assistance as the country continues to face extreme hunger and instability.

March 27, 2023
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