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Blog Post

Let’s Remember Refugee Girls

In countries affected by conflict, girls are nearly three times more likely to be out of school than boys. With the appropriations season in full swing, Congress must prioritize funding for education programs that reach the most vulnerable – including refugee girls.

April 30, 2019
Blog Post

InterAction Member Policy Positions for the 2019 G7 and G20 Summits

InterAction's G7/G20 Advocacy Alliance outline a series of recommendations for the 2019 G7 and G20 summits in these policy papers.

May 1, 2019
Blog Post

InterAction Launches New Funding Opportunity to Initiate Change in NGO Safeguarding

InterAction with its members are working to change the structural and cultural barriers to addressing sexual harassment and abuse within…

May 3, 2019
Members of CRS-supported SILC groups (Savings and Internal Lending Communities) dance together during a meeting in Awaradoni village, Upper East Region, Ghana. These women have begun making and selling shea nut butter, straw baskets, and parboiled rice ever since interrupted weather patterns related to climate change have inhibited their abilities to earn livelihoods through farming. Awaradoni village, Talensi District, Upper East Region, Ghana, West Africa. March 19, 2016 - Photo by Jake Lyell for CRS.
Blog Post

A Wrong Inflicted: Mass Starvation in the 21st Century

Alex de Waal writes that modern famines do not occur by chance, but are rather the consequence of deliberate acts committed by political-military elites in pursuit of their strategic objectives.

May 3, 2019

Community Reactions to Cut-off in Foreign Assistance to Northern Triangle Countries

Cutting off poverty-alleviating and violence-reducing assistance in Central America runs counter to American values and interests.

May 8, 2019
school children stand at a railing smiling
Blog Post

2019 InterAction Award Winners

Every year, InterAction’s annual awards recognizes outstanding leaders within the global development and humanitarian sectors. These individuals are leaders who…

May 16, 2019

Morgan Martinez

May 18, 2019

May 21, 2019

InterAction Awards

May 22, 2019
Blog Post

The Global Fragility Act of 2019 (GFA)

The Global Fragility Act (GFA) passed the House of Representatives on May 20, 2019. The bill would streamline and improve programs and efforts within the USG to address violent conflict overseas using a “3D” approach of development, diplomacy, and defense. With bipartisan support, the bill has moved out of the House.

May 28, 2019
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