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Peace and Security

March 22, 2022

Peace and Security

January 30, 2023
Blog Post

Periods Don’t Stop When Disasters Occur

The recent flooding in Pakistan was unprecedented—affecting 6.4 million people and damaging or destroying over 1,400 health facilities…

November 1, 2022
Blog Post

Picking Up The Pace

In the wake of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report that declared ‘code red’ for human-driven…

September 7, 2021
Blog Post

Plan to Fail—Together

Failure is the “f-word” of international development. In many cases, it’s so taboo we don’t even use the word. Think…

May 10, 2021
Blog Post

Populist Nationalism Threatens Progress on Sustainable Development Goals

The UN, civil society, philanthropy, private sector, and government partners have the opportunity to assess progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals on the sidelines of the 2018 UN General Assembly.

September 18, 2018
Blog Post

Power, Privilege & the Realities of NGO Localization Efforts Amid COVID-19

Localization is a fashionable topic in the humanitarian community. The COVID-19 pandemic—where containment measures continue to disrupt humanitarian access—has ignited…

May 17, 2021
Blog Post

Preparing for the Farm Bill Re-Authorization at a Time of Critical Need

After decades of progress, global hunger and malnutrition is on the rise. More than 735 million people…

February 29, 2024

Prevention & Stabilization Fund

February 9, 2021

Prevention and Stabilization Fund

January 30, 2023
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