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April 8, 2019
Blog Post

Seven Years Later: Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day

This month marks seven years since the 2017 “clearance operation” when Myanmar’s military forces, the Tatmadaw, unleashed waves of violence against Rohingya ethnic minorities in Rakhine State, Myanmar. The conflict triggered the expulsion of over 700,000 Rohingya into neighboring Bangladesh, marking the largest and fastest influx into the country. The U.S. government later determined that these attacks constituted genocide and crimes against humanity.

August 27, 2024

Sharing Best Practice Across the Atlantic: A U.K.-U.S. legislator dialogue on civilian protection in armed conflict

November 24, 2021
Blog Post

She’s a Mother of Six, a Refugee and on a Mission to Empower Women

How one South Sudanese woman is making a difference in Ethiopia.

March 29, 2019
Photo of South Sudanese refugee, Nyabong Puak.
Blog Post

Simplify Adaptive Focus During Unprecedented Times

Now is the time for the global development and humanitarian sectors to double down on saving lives. However,  challenges…

May 19, 2020
Blog Post

Six Books About Human Rights You Should Read

Book lists are nothing new. Yet, with COVID-19 lockdowns, people are spending more time in their homes than ever. We…

July 1, 2020
Blog Post

Smart and Meaningful American Leadership is Needed Now More Than Ever

"In a world of such complex challenges, it is vital that the United States continues its role in global leadership and engagement. "

April 11, 2018
Four children play and laugh in field of golden yellow flowers.
Blog Post

Social Inclusion: The Key to Effective Global Development

Incorporating social inclusion practices into global development efforts is not simply a feel-good exercise, it’s central to meeting many goals.

July 25, 2018
Blog Post

Solidarity While Separated

Friendship looks different right now. Gone for the time being are the days of showing physical affection, gathering together frequently,…

July 30, 2020
Blog Post

Solutions Over Pessimism: A Key to Global Progress in 2019

"We can prevent crises before they start, and we can help to protect people when they are endangered." Sam Worthington.

January 21, 2019
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