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Blog Post

The Missing Link: Early Childhood Development in Child Protection Humanitarian Assistance

In January 2021, the U.S. Congress enacted the Global Child Thrive Act. This landmark legislation aims to…

June 13, 2024
Blog Post

The Need for More Nonprofit Voices in Innovative Finance for Development

Nonprofits have been working in the development context for decades and possess knowledge and skills that are critical to ensuring people are truly reaping the rewards of increased investment in their communities.

February 23, 2018
Blog Post

The Risky Business of Security for Aid Workers

When well-meaning people ask—as Elon Musk recently did—for a cost accounting for humanitarian activities, security can be among the…

January 31, 2022
Blog Post

The Role of Gender in Afghanistan’s Humanitarian Response

Nearly three years after the change in power in Afghanistan, women and girls are being left behind as little to…

August 16, 2024
Blog Post

The Role of Global Civil Society in Supporting a Genuinely Transformative, Inclusive & Ambitious G7

We are facing the largest global crisis in a generation. The COVID-19 pandemic, and all its consequences, will shape our…

April 20, 2021
Blog Post

The Seeds Are Not the Problem

One of the most significant hardships that farmers in Africa are experiencing is the reality of climate change. It is…

July 26, 2021
Photo of South Sudanese refugee, Nyabong Puak.
Blog Post

The Statelessness Challenge

In a world where borders define identities and citizenship is a cornerstone to belonging, the plight of stateless persons presents…

August 1, 2024
Blog Post

The U.N. Water Conference and a Collective Call to Action

Two billion people lack safely managed drinking water, 3.6 billion people—nearly half the world’s population—lack safely managed sanitation, and 2.3…

March 21, 2023
Blog Post

The U.S. Takes Decisive Action to Protect Civilians in Conflict

Significant strides were made last week in how the U.S. Department of Defense prevents and mitigates civilian harm. On August…

September 2, 2022
A group of soldiers run across the sand in what appears to be a military exercise
Blog Post

The Urgency of Green Recovery from COVID-19

The COVID-19 origin story is still unfolding. From bats to potentially a pangolin, to humans in wildlife markets in…

June 5, 2020
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