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Blog Post

A Hidden Reality: Data & Reporting on Sexual Violence Against Men & Boys

This is Part II of “A Hidden Reality,” examining men, boys, and conflict-related sexual violence. Read Part…

June 27, 2023
Blog Post

A Hidden Reality: Men, Boys & Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

“In 2021, continued recourse to military rather than diplomatic and political means led to displacement on a significant scale,…

June 26, 2023
Blog Post

A Lifesaving Response to Malnutrition in Southern Afghanistan

Sara* is a 22-year-old mother who lives in a remote village of southern Afghanistan. She has only one child, a…

August 15, 2024
Blog Post

A Network of Networks

One of the greatest creations of the 20th Century was a vibrant civil society and the building of civil society…

September 22, 2020
Blog Post

A New InterAction.Org

We are an organization that is defined by our ability to pull a community together for a greater voice.New website will serve as a resource for InterAction's members, allies, and partners in advancing the role of development and humanitarian NGOs.

March 1, 2019
screenshot of interaction homepage: woman holding male child as he reaches for a tree branch. Text overlay on the photo that reads Choose to Invest
Blog Post

A Pandemic-Induced Crossroads

The international nongovernmental organization (NGO) community currently sits at a crossroads. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. based NGOs remain highly…

May 13, 2020
Blog Post

A Question of Justice

“Let us remember that ending poverty is not a matter of charity, but a question of justice.” -U.N. Secretary-General Antonio…

October 17, 2019
Blog Post

A Reflection on Accountability for Chemical Weapon Use in Syria

November 30, the Day of Remembrance of all Victims of Chemical Warfare, is an opportunity to reflect on the…

November 30, 2021
Blog Post

A Reflection on the State of American Democracy

Democracy rests on laws, on policies debated from different political perspectives, and on civilians who have the right to protest…

January 8, 2021
Blog Post

A Vision of 2018

"Last year, we stood united against unprecedented assaults on NGOs and thankfully, some of our worst fears and concerns did not come to fruition."

January 18, 2018
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