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Blog Post

Taking a Common-Sense Approach for Children and Youth Policies and Programs

All children and youth—from infancy to adolescence to young adulthood—should have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Ongoing global…

September 19, 2022
Blog Post

Thanks to You, I am an Optimist

These remarks were delivered at a farewell celebration with colleagues and friends of InterAction. Thank you all for coming. I…

December 14, 2022
Blog Post

The Biden Administration’s Proposed Asylum Rule Risks Violating Human Rights

The Biden administration made a promise to reform the U.S. asylum system, a system strained under political and budgetary…

March 27, 2023

The Congressional Committee Map

January 13, 2023
Obama in front of congress

The Congressional Committee Map

March 28, 2019
Blog Post

The First Step to Addressing Conflict-Induced Hunger

The statistics are staggering. Armed conflict is the single biggest challenge to achieving zero hunger, with nearly 100…

December 13, 2021
Blog Post

The Foreign Agents Registration Act’s NGO Impact

As written, FARA is unsuitable for our contemporary world – a world in which global interconnectivity is increasing and the roles of state and non-state actors are blurring.

March 20, 2019
Photo of U.S. capitol building on a sunny day.

The Future of Civil Society Organizations in the Light of the Coronavirus

May 13, 2020
Blog Post

The Future of NGOs: Five Tips on Responding to a Changing World

What top tips do CEOs have on how NGOs can respond to a changing world? During an InterAction Forum…

July 25, 2019
Blog Post

The Global Food Security Act — Reaffirming the United States’ Commitment to End World Hunger

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act, which President Trump recently signed. The reauthorization of…

October 23, 2018
Two women stand in behind a bike, smiling as they pose for the camera. One woman holds a child in her hands.
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