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Blog Post

A Wrong Inflicted: Mass Starvation in the 21st Century

Alex de Waal writes that modern famines do not occur by chance, but are rather the consequence of deliberate acts committed by political-military elites in pursuit of their strategic objectives.

May 3, 2019
Blog Post

A Year for Global Activism

"Whatever motivates you to act and speak out, remember that this is a long game, and do not let your activist spirit falter." Sam Worthington

March 13, 2018
People march through a street, in two lines, holding up blue and white
Blog Post

A journey to hope in Ethiopia

South Sudan has been gripped by conflict for the last six years, causing millions to flee to neighboring Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

January 25, 2018


April 8, 2019
InterAction Quoted

About 19 million Lack Access to Clean Water in Yemen

Potable water has become increasingly hard to come by in Yemen since the war started in 2015, highlighted by the nation's cholera outbreak. International aid agencies have asked for more help, as well as a long-term political solution, but millions of Yemenis are struggling as the conflict continues.

January 23, 2019
young girl carries water in her head and on her head in a water scarce environment
Blog Post

Access to Aid: A Cornerstone of Civilian-Centered U.S. Diplomacy

In 2022, humanitarian needs in Sudan were already at the highest level in a decade. Suffering largely…

April 15, 2024
Blog Post

Accountable from Afar: Girls at the Border

I read about them in passing: a child-mother with breast milk stains on her shirt, holding a listless toddler; a…

July 19, 2019


February 9, 2021


January 30, 2023
Blog Post

Addressing Gender-Based Violence in the Central Sahel

Armed conflict, climate change, food insecurity, and recent…

December 5, 2023
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